
milk glass

current obsession: milk glass.

Milk glass is an opaque, milky white or colored glass, blown or pressed into a wide variety of shapes. Milk glass is a popular collectible. First made in Venice in the 16th century, colors include blue, pink, yellow, brown, black, and the white that leads to its popular name.

Some milk glass glows under ultraviolet (UV) light, leading to a popular misconception that it contains uranium, like uranium glass. The glow of milk glass, however, is due to the fluorescence of the fluorite used in producing the white pigments.


Darla: Retro Ways said...

I could just picture it now a little old lady smashing all of her milk glass outside because she thinks it contains uranium. Gorgeous post! ♥

leila wylie said...

Ooh, I love milk glass. I used to work in the archaeology lab at my school cataloguing the materials we had found in an excavation from 18th century Manhattan. Milk glass bottles and jars were one of my favorite things to encounter.

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